Explore Fractal and Quantum Variations
Lynn Wienck
Dimension Variations
Dimension Variations use Unit Circle variations where points are plotted and iterations include two sets of trigonometric functions and an offset.
See Appendix C for a different aspect of this configuration type and further discussion.
xa = fa(θ)
ya = ga(θ)
xb = fb(θ)
yb = gb(θ)
mmin ≤ m ≤ mmax
scale = scalea,scaleb
point = ((scalea*xa + scaleb*xb*m),(scalea*ya + scaleb*yb*m))
Dimension Example with Pseudocode
Dimension Example
for (int θ = 0; θ ≤ 500000; θ++)
xnew = cos( 0.4001*θ);
ynew = sin(-0.4001*θ);
x = cos(θ);
y = sin(θ);
for (int m = 1; m ≤ 20; m++)
PlotPoint(xnew*300.0+m*x*4.0, ynew*300.0+m*y*4.0, color);