Explore Fractal and Quantum Variations

Lynn Wienck

Julia Quantum Fractal Two Spin-1 Device Entanglement

Julia State Change Totals where zᵢ ≠ 0 + zⱼ ≠ 0
x1,y1 0 017191719
x4,y2 0 0 8 8
x7,y3 8424410001886
x2,y4 0 0 8 8
x5,y5 0 0 0 0
x8,y6 7 0 1 8
x3,y7 8424410001886
x6,y8 7 0 1 8
x9,y91226 0 01226
Quantum Fractal Entanglement
The steps used in creating quantum Julia are the same steps used in creating quantum Mandelbrot.
See Chapter 1 for the Basic Julia Set where (xs, ys) = (0.0, 0.0) is the start point.
  • zⱼ and zᵢ are calculated for the x-direction and the y-direction.
  • zⱼ and zᵢ are mapped.
  • zⱼ and zᵢ are summed and mapped.
Like Mandelbrot, both Julia zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ ≠ 0 are necessary to provide a complete Julia map.
Julia zⱼ and zᵢ are entangled entities and the sum of both entities provides a complete map.
The three parts of the map are described and shown below:

Julia (zⱼ where zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ = 0)
zⱼ reflects points found only in the y-direction. There are 2644 zⱼ pixels.

Julia (zᵢ where zᵢ ≠ 0 and zⱼ = 0)
zᵢ reflects points found only in the x-direction. There are 2644 zᵢ pixels.

Julia (zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ ≠ 0)
zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ ≠ 0 reflect points in common in both the x-direction and the y-direction.
The points may be common to both zⱼ and zᵢ, but the state values are different.
There are 1461 zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ ≠ 0 pixels.

To obtain the complete map, zⱼ ≠ 0, zᵢ ≠ 0 are summed yielding the map seen to the right:

Julia (zⱼ ≠ 0 + zᵢ ≠ 0)
There are 253009 pixels in the map, but only 6749 pixels where either zⱼ ≠ 0 or zᵢ ≠ 0 or both zⱼ ≠ 0, zᵢ ≠ 0.
There are 88 pixels where zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ ≠ 0, but their sum (zⱼ ≠ 0 + zᵢ ≠ 0) = 0.

c10.jpg c10.jpg
Julia (zⱼ)
c10.jpg c10.jpg c10.jpg
Julia State Change Totals (zⱼ) where zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ = 0
y1 00 572 572
y2 00 0 0
y3 7390 0 739
y4 00 7 7
y5 00 0 0
y6 70 0 7
y7 00 989 989
y8 00 1 1
y9 3290 0 329
Julia State Change Totals (zⱼ) where zⱼ ≠ 0 and zᵢ ≠ 0
y1 00575 575
y2 00 1 1
y31580 0 158
y4 00 1 1
y5 00 0 0
y6 00 0 0
y7 00158 158
y8 00 0 0
y95680 0 568
Julia (zᵢ)
c10.jpg c10.jpg c10.jpg
Julia State Change Totals (zᵢ) where zᵢ ≠ 0 and zⱼ = 0
x1 00 572 572
x2 00 7 7
x3 00 989 989
x4 00 0 0
x5 00 0 0
x6 00 1 1
x7 7390 0 739
x8 70 0 7
x9 3290 0 329
Julia State Change Totals (zᵢ) where zᵢ ≠ 0 and zⱼ ≠ 0
x1 00575 575
x2 00 1 1
x3 00158 158
x4 00 1 1
x5 00 0 0
x6 00 0 0
x71580 0 158
x8 00 0 0
x95680 0 568