Explore Fractal and Quantum Variations

Lynn Wienck

Recognizable Fractal Figures with Trigonometric Functions

Under what circumstances do fractal figures remain recognizable with modifications?

How sensitive are fractal figures to change?

Is it possible to determine the fractal generator from the figure?

The top Mandelbrot figures and Julia figures (pixel, point, center points) are clearly recognizable as basic shapes.
The bottom left Mandelbrot or Julia figure (pixel) is unrecognizable, while the bottom right Mandelbrot or Julia figures (point, center points) retain basic shapes.

See Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 6 for information on Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets.

Basic Mandelbrot Set Configuration cm65.jpg
Basic Mandelbrot Set with Pseudocode
for (int i = 0; i ≤ 500; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j ≤ 500; j++)
		x = 0.0;
		y = 0.0;
		xs = -2.5 + (i / 100.0);
		ys = -2.5 + (j / 100.0);
		k = 0;
Top			xnew = x * x - y * y + xs;
Top			ynew = 2.0 * x * y + ys;
Bottom		        xnew = sin(i - j) + x * x - y * y + xs;
Bottom		        ynew = cos(i - j) + 2.0 * x * y + ys;
			x = xnew;
			y = ynew;
			k = k + 1;
		} while ((k ≤ 64) && (x * x + y * y ≤ 6.25));
		color = gray;
		if (x * x + y * y ≤ 6.25) color = blue;
		PlotPixel(i, j, color);
		PlotPoint(x, y, color);
		PlotCenterPoints(x, y, color);
Mandelbrot Variant #1 cm65.jpg
Mandelbrot Variant #2 cm65.jpg
Mandelbrot Build: (f(x,y), g(x,y)) Escape: h(x,y)>value Plot
Basic Mandelbrot Set Top (x² - y², 2.0*x*y) x² + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Basic Mandelbrot Set Bottom (x² - y² + sin(i-j), 2.0*x*y + cos(i-j)) x² + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Mandelbrot Variant #1 Top (x*y², -y*x²) x³ + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Mandelbrot Variant #1 Bottom (x*y² + sin(i-j), -y*x² + cos(i-j)) x³ + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Mandelbrot Variant #2 Top (sin(y*x²) + x, y + sin(x*y² + x)) x³ + y² > 6.25/(k*k*k) Pixel, Point, Center
Mandelbrot Variant #2 Bottom (sin(i-j) + sin(y*x²) + x, y + sin(x*y² + x)) x³ + y² > 6.25/(k*k*k) Pixel, Point, Center
Basic Julia Set Configuration cj65.jpg
Basic Julia Set with Pseudocode
for (int i = 0; i ≤ 500; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j ≤ 500; j++)
		xs = 0.0;
		ys = 0.0;
		x = -2.5 + (i / 100.0);
		y = -2.5 + (j / 100.0);
		k = 0;
Top			xnew = x * x - y * y + xs;
Top			ynew = 2.0 * x * y + ys;
Bottom		        xnew = sin(i - j) + x * x - y * y + xs;
Bottom		        ynew = cos(i - j) + 2.0 * x * y + ys;
			x = xnew;
			y = ynew;
			k = k + 1;
		} while ((k ≤ 64) && (x * x + y * y ≤ 6.25));
		color = gray;
		if (x * x + y * y ≤ 6.25) color = blue;
		PlotPixel(i, j, color);
		PlotPoint(x, y, color);
		PlotCenterPoints(x, y, color);

Julia Variant #1 cj65.jpg
Julia Variant #2 cj65.jpg
Julia Build: (f(x, y), g(x, y), (xs, ys)) Escape: h(x, y)>value Plot
Basic Julia Set (0.0, 0.0) Top (x² - y², 2.0*x*y), (0.0, 0.0) x² + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Basic Julia Set (0.0, 0.0) Bottom (x² - y² + sin(i-j), 2.0*x*y + cos(i-j)), (0.0, 0.0) x² + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Julia Variant #1 Top (x*y², -y*x²), (0.0, 0.0) x² + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Julia Variant #1 Bottom (x*y² + sin(i-j), -y*x² + cos(i-j)), (0.0, 0.0) x² + y² > 6.25 Pixel, Point, Center
Julia Variant #2 Top (sin(x²*y) + x, y + sin(x*y² + x)), (0.0, 0.0) x² + y² > 6.25/(k*k*k) Pixel, Point, Center
Julia Variant #2 Bottom (sin(i-j) + sin(x²*y) + x, y + sin(x*y² + x)), (0.0, 0.0) x² + y² > 6.25/(k*k*k) Pixel, Point, Center